On March 26 CIP joined the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia in an event for the presentation of the National Plan for Improvement of Seed Potato in Georgia. This strategic document, which was developed by CIP, was given to the ministry for future implementation. The ministry announced that the next step will be to arrange a donors’ meeting to map funding sources for the program’s implementation. CIP will provide technical expertise for program implementation.
The event was attended by 34 representatives of the government of Georgia and international organizations.
The plan is available here: https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/100492
The media coverage can be viewed here:
Presentations presented during the event: https://cgiar-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/e_gvazava_cgiar_org/ErUO4qI-UI1PuMvm2N6LwCMBWVHfS93huWiqP1bTwhCGfg?e=Uyj0r9
Photos of the event here: https://cgiar-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/e_gvazava_cgiar_org/EnUuK_xU1wFPmckDtBY_cM0Bcaa4JVe1KtkGYeYI25NDIA?e=XDZ9Pb