Monitoring results of the television broadcast of the animation – “Select the Best” on TV program “Agro News” showed high number of viewers.
The video had been broadcasted in 4 TV programs.
Links here:
„Agro News“ Program 1 (7th Season)
„Agro News“ Program 2 (7th Season)
„Agro News“ Program 3 (7th Season)
„Agro News“ Program 4 (7th Season)
- “Select the Best” – Video had been broadcasted in the TV program “Agro News”. The program is broadcasted by about 30 regional spot televisions. TV – 81 broadcasts, Radio – 24 Total 105 broadcasts during each week. The video had been playing during whole month in the television – total 450 broadcasts. (needs to be mentioned: this is the minimal number and some regional medias repeat programs several times during the weak. In some cases, number of broadcasts reaches 100)
Results of the monitoring of “TMI LCC” showed good results of media coverage – Organization in Georgia – “Tri Media Intelligence” counts and represents viewers of regional televisions in big cities of Georgia using calculators (Where the population is above 40 thousand).
TV program “Agro News” is broadcasted in about 30 regional TV and Radio broadcasts. Here is the data of 7 Televisions (Rioni, Odishi, TV 25, Dia, Guria, TOK TV, Imervizia). The number of viewers reached 79 771 thousand by these televisions.
During whole month program was broadcasted 259 times only by this televisions.
In reality the number is much higher, because potentional auditory of the regional media is about 1 600 000 people. And, above mentioned data includes only 7 Televisions from 30.