Discussion on seed potato planning was held in Georgia – in order to improve the potato sector in the country, the meeting was organized by the International Potato Center (CIP) through the collaboration of Scientific Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (LEPL) and the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, which was financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) within the project “Enhancing Rural Livelihoods in Georgia: Introducing Integrated Seed Health Approaches to Local Potato Seed Systems”. Potato is an important crop in Georgia and it is roughly cultivated on 25,000 ha of land.
The International Potato Center (CIP) conducted baseline surveys in the above-mentioned sector in the country and based on received results, developed the potato sector improvement plan. The plan of introducing of new genotypes, identification of virus resistance cultivars among the selected ones and creation of a catalogue, as well as varietal research, training of extension agents and farmers, adoption of new techniques, monitoring seed health, strategic use of certified seeds, market chain research and business opportunity development analysis will stimulate to receive the healthy seed materials and sharply the productivity will increase.
It is noteworthy that the Law on Seed Certification is already in force that will enable the farmers to use quality seeds and receive high quality products. In order to raise awareness and improve the quality of seed materials, within the project, up to 80 farmers, 30 representatives of Information Consultation Center and 90 scientist have already been trained. The meeting was attended by Scientific Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture(LEPL), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), International Non-Governmental Organization Care, International Organization Mercy Corps, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, USAID and representatives of Accreditation Center and Geopatent.
Presentations and Files:
- Plan for Improving Seed Potato in Georgia (Presentation);
- Plan for improving seed potato in Georgia;
- Georgia potato seed system baseline study;
- Potato seed sources and flows in Georgia;
- A baseline analysis for a national integrated seed health strategy.